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Most people don’t really know or understand what Reiki is.  If I haven’t answered your questions here, please e-mail me at:



1. What religion is Reiki affiliated with?


Reiki is not a religion.  It is not affiliated with a religion.  Reiki is about energy.  Energy is science.  Through Reiki sessions, the human magnetic energy field (aura) and chakras are treated, making it possible for the body and mind to heal.  It can be a very spiritual experience...


2. What happens during a Reiki treatment?


You will lay down and relax while I gently place my hands on various points on and/or just above your body.  You may feel a variety of sensations including heat, cold, vibrations, etc. as your body absorbs the energy. 


3. How can Reiki help me lose weight (or break a bad habit)?


Our intentions and energy vibrations create our reality.  Reiki can assist in changing your attitude, therefore making it easier to break a bad habit or create a healthy new one.  Science has shown that it takes about 21 days to make a change permanent.  I use Reiki to treat for 28 days.

4. Should I stop taking medicine if I start Reiki treatments?


No, you should continue to follow any treatment routine your doctor has prescribed.  Reiki works with medical treatment to enhance the effects.  Reiki creates a relaxed state wherein the body can begin to heal itself.  You may notice that your medical treatment works better so you want to tell your doctor you are receiving Reiki treatments (not all doctors are familiar with it as it just beginning to be accepted by the American Medical field).  If you are diabetic, regular Reiki treatments may begin to regulate your blood sugar levels so monitor your glucose levels carefully and notify your doctor of any changes so your medication can be adjusted if necessary. 

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